Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Cousin Fun

Lucas and Samuel have 3 cousins all of which are lovely ladies. The two older cousins are so much fun. Since Lucas has been little he has looked up to Abigail. She is so patient with him. He is such a little boy all of the time. He loves to get on her nerves. When he is not following the rules at "school," or sleeping during his "nap time," or holding hands when they are going to the "store," I will hear "Lucas!!" That is how I know that they must be make-believing. Because he does not always want to make believe the way that she does. But, she usually coaxes him back. She is so good with both of the boys.

Sarah and Lucas have had a love/hate relationship. They are only 10 months apart and sometimes clash. But, lately they have been playing so well together. We have found them wrestling (without anyone crying when they get hurt.) Today they were playing like they were sleeping and then screaming when they woke up.

It's so nice to see them interact together. I love to see all of their smiling faces.

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