Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Diaper Double Duty

I have been changing diapers since 2009...constantly.  Most of that time I have been changing two sets of diapers.  But, as of July 2013, I can proudly say that I am only changing one set of diapers!  Wooooohooo!!!  Yeah!!!  (I'm just a little excited)

So is he!

Not only is Samuel officially potty trained, but he basically was trained within 2 days!  I didn't believe it could happen.  Only a certain older sister with three girls with magic powers could do that ; )  I think that I can attribute the success of this go-around to the fact that Samuel was ready.  There was no pushing him to get it done.  In fact, he was pushing me because I was terrified about the experience.

I was equipped with skittles, pull-ups and new underwear.  Also in my tool belt were paper towels and carpet cleaner (neither of which I had to use.)  I was also prepared to never leave my house again.  But, on day two we took a trip to the airport to have breakfast and to watch the planes.   Another unexpected, but welcomed, surprise was that he has been waking up dry.  So, hopefully I can find the courage to quit wasting my money on pull-ups.

Once again such a source of anxiety has turned out to be nothing...when am I going to learn.  These kids are awesome.  I couldn't be more proud of Samuel!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

A Little Bit Lighter

I feel slightly odd writing about this.  But, it is something really important that has been going on in my life and I want a record of it.  This post is about weight.  I have a friend from my old church who has lots of little kiddos.  She talked about this very same topic on facebook and was such an inspiration to me.  So, this post could possibly inspire someone else (that is if anyone else even reads this besides my mom...haha.)

I have always struggled with weight.  My entire life I have had to work at keeping it off.  Brian and I have been married for six years and my weight has gone up and down pretty drastically throughout this time.  It reached it's peak this year after Joseph was born.  I think that the pain that I had with this last pregnancy kept me from being active.  I had also developed some bad eating habits.  I was not healthy.

After my six week postpartum appointment I lost about 15lbs on my own but struggled to do much more.  I felt like I needed help.

On March 13th I joined weight watchers.  Since joining I have lost 30 lbs.  I am feeling like a new person.  It is amazing how much more energy you have when you are healthy.  I have been enjoying life so much more since the weight has come off.  I still have a goal to lose about ten more pounds.  Thanks to the help of everyone around me I think that it is going to be very achievable.

Below is a picture from February followed by a picture of myself from June.  It's a big difference.
 I now feel like I can be a better wife and mother.  Thank you to my family and friends who have supported me so much.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Family Fishing Day

We live less than a mile from Lake Thunderbird here in Norman.  Last year we did not get to do too many fishing trips due to the severe drought that we had here.  This year we have had more than enough rain to stop the drought and go fishing! 

We finally got a chance to go last week.  All five of us packed up and headed to the dock where we normally go.  

Lucas' favorite part about fishing is the worms.  Samuel did not want anything to do with them.

After we fished we walked to the state park's nature center followed by hill climbing and rolling.  It was a great family day!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Bunk Bed

We took the plunge and put Lucas and Samuel's twin beds together to make a bunk bed.  I was terrified of Lucas waking up at night all groggy and falling.  But, they have both been doing great with it.  In fact, they have been spending so much more time in their room now that there is more space to play.

Brian put the bed together while the boys and I were on a walk.  This is their reaction once we got home.

This is how story time has been going.  They are getting a bird's eye view.  They also fish from bed now too.  

The bunk bed makes them seem so big.  It is funny how those milestones seem so big.  I know that one day, things like this will seem so small.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Smokin' JoeJoe


Do you see any similarities?

We are loving robots right now.  The funniest part is when they have the boxes on and they fall, they cannot get up.  So funny!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Joseph is 5 Months

Our sweet little JoeJoe is 5 months old.  That is one month away from the half way point to a year!  Did you get that?  Basically, it means he is getting way too big way too fast.

Joseph is a professional roller.

 He spends lots of quality time rolling around the living room floor.  He loves sitting up in his bumbo chair.

 Joseph thinks that anything his brothers do is funny.  They are the two people in his life that really make him laugh.

He is in size three diapers and 6-9m clothes.  

He is just so incredibly happy.  I am so happy to say that he only cries when he needs something.  The last month of sleeping was reminiscent of newborn days but the last week has been great.  I'm praying it stays that way.

Joseph has really been developing a sweet personality lately.  When someone talks to him he grins so big and then ducks his head into my shoulder.  He has also been learning new tricks with his mouth.  All kinds of noises have been coming out of there.  One of my favorite things to hear is his fingernails against the bumper of his crib in the morning.  I wish that I had a video monitor so I could watch him laying there.

I am so grateful and blessed to have this little man in my life.  Our family is blessed too.  All of us love Joseph so very much and we cannot wait to see what this next month brings.

Monday, May 27, 2013

I love you 10!

Quick post so I don't forget.
Samuel has some issues with his closest cousin Anna.  Every time I discipline him be brings her up.  If I say "it is not nice to hit."  He says "yeah, I don't hit Anna right?"  Or I might say, "it's good to share."  He answers "I don't want to share with Anna."  We only see Anna about once a month but obviously she makes a lasting impression on him.  Could be the crazy amount of fun that they have together.

Lucas has a sweet thing that he says right now.  Instead of saying "I love you too!"  He says, "I love you ten."  Get it?  Too (two)...ten?  I love how his little literal brain works.  

I am so blessed to have these precious babies in my life.  

Friday, May 10, 2013

I love my Mommy because...

I love my Mommy because...

This was the title of the paper that was sent home with Lucas.

Here are his answers...

*She gives me a surprise when I poop
*she gives me energy at the playground
*she gives me medicine for my eyes

Now, if that doesn't describe the best mom ever, I don't know what does.
Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Big Book of Boo Boos

Just like Doc McStuffins we need to write this one down in the big book of booboos.

Lucas was rubbing his eyes today.  I went to wash his hands and to get him a wet wash cloth for his itchy eyes when I noticed a bubble in his eye.  I called Brian over to look at it and when we pulled his eye lid back we saw that his entire eyeball and eye lid were swollen.  I have never seen anything like this.  It looked like someone had injected fluid into his eyeball.  I drove to the pediatrician's office where I was told to go to the ER.  The ER physician told us that it was a severe allergy.  She gave us a prescription for eye drops and told us to keep him on benedryl.

This was him tonight after it had gone down significantly.  Now the eyeball is not so swollen, just the lid around it.

Friday, April 26, 2013

One Rough Week

We have visited the doctor four times.  We will probably finish strong at five tomorrow.  Vomit has been cleaned twice.  Sam had a seizure.  Lots and lots of Motrin has been swallowed and spit out.  We have a thermometer that has gotten plenty of use.  We also have one shower that we cannot use, wet drywall, fans in the closet to dry the flood.  Hmmm...this has been one rough week.

Monday, April 22, 2013

The Cave

Mamaw and Pawpaw got a new toy, I mean storm shelter.  It has been the new excitement at their house.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Lucas lately

Lucas has been changing so much lately.  He has been speaking like a big kid.  He is finally starting to open up about school.  I used to rarely get any information about his day from him.  But lately he is very open about what happened while he was gone.  I love to hear about his day and the friends that he is making.  
Lucas has also been singing a lot lately.  He never used to sing.  I always wondered if he was sad or if he just couldn't remember words to songs.  But lately he has been singing songs such as:
Jesus said "come follow me"
Father Abraham
Ho Ho Ho Hosanna
the Blues
The Blues are when he sings about what he is doing at that moment and he just adds an "oh yeah" to make it the blues.  His favorite place to sing is the bathroom.

Lucas' favorite word is "why."  I never thought that I would be the mom to get irritated by that word.  I mean, they are just learning, right?  Well, that is what I get for saying never.  He asks that question about things that I cannot answer.  Why is it dark outside?  Why is Joseph tired?  Why is it Sunday?  I have done my best to answer these questions.  Eventually every question leads to the answer of "That is how God wanted it."  

Lucas still loves to take pictures and pose for pictures.  Obviously.

His imagination is awesome right now.  He is always creating exciting situations in his head.  Usually it involves someone in need of a rescue.  Other times it involves hunting a large bear or tiger.

Lucas is the best biggest brother!  He is constantly playing with Samuel.  They are both practicing patience with each other, but in general they play so well together.  Lucas is a great leader and is teaching Samuel so much.

Joseph has a special place in his heart for Lucas.  Anytime Lucas is near Joseph lights up.  I think that it makes Lucas feel grown up.

I feel so blessed to be this kiddo's momma.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Joseph's Big Day

March 3rd, 2013 Joseph was baptised!  It was a wonderful day filled with excitement and hope.  Family was there to share with us.  It is so amazing to see the support that we have from our family in raising our children and bringing them up to be followers of Christ.  We are so blessed.

Here is the big boy!

Joseph and his favorite cousin Noah. 
Noah and a so excited Samuel

Aunt Lindsey and Noah before the baptism.

Fr Jim Goins is our priest here in Norman.  We were so happy that he was able to celebrate with us.

Mommy, Joseph and Daddy

Joseph's incredible Godparents: Uncle Josh and Aunt Melissa
Unfortunately I did not get any group pictures of everyone there.  I really wish that I would have.  I have noticed that it is getting harder and harder to get group shots the bigger that our family gets.  Joseph, just know that you were surrounded by many many people that love you.