Monday, February 28, 2011

Last night I was looking at old pictures of Lucas and reminiscing about when he was Samuel's age and I found this picture (below) of him. Then, I found the next one of Samuel at the same age and in the same position. Im pretty sure that they are related.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Escape Artist

Lucas has always excelled in escaping. Doors were his favorite toy at an early age. I'm not kidding. Since he could barely reach the door knob, he would open and close doors all day. He would choose to play with a door over a ball any day. Now, he has moved on from playing with doors, but he still appreciates the fine art of escaping.

My sister's kids are about 3 and 5 years old and they just recently started to leave their rooms when they are waking up. I thought that is what all kids did. They stay in their rooms and patiently wait for their parents to come and allow them to get out, right? Wrong.

Lucas graduated to a big boy bed a few months before Samuel was born. From that first night on we had to put a door knob cover on his door to keep him in. Even in the pitch dark he would get out of bed, open the door and come out.

This week, we officially lost control of the situation. After putting him in time-out in his room we were greeted by a smiling 2 year old in the living room. He figured out how to remove the door knob cover!! Oh no!!! Since then, he has been a pretty good boy and gone to bed without any problems. But, his fondness of using chairs to touch things that are too high for him is starting to scare us. His little chairs move all around the house to access the bathroom sink, scissors in the drawer, dishes in the sink, and light switches. So, I guess we are going to make it a habit now to hide those chairs at night so that he cannot reach the lock on the front door. That really makes Brian and me uneasy.

To anyone that reads this post: You can laugh at how a little boy's mind works and how he is always thinking about what he can conquer next. But, please say a little prayer for his parent's sanity.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Samuel is growing up

Samuel went to visit the doctor about two weeks ago for his four month check-up. Everything went great! He is growing and developing very well. The doctor did say that his weight gain was starting to slow down a little too much for his age so he suggested starting rice cereal (he also said that cereal might help him get through the night a little better.) I had planned since before he was born that I would not start any extra food until at least 5 months. This was only for selfish reasons of course. One: I did not want to have to start carrying baby food around in addition to all of the junk in the enormous diaper bag. Two: Starting baby food means that he is growing up and that is too sad. I feel like the last 4 months flew by. So, reluctantly I started to feed him cereal and he is doing great. I guess that I will accept that fact that he is cannot stay a baby forever.
This is the first taste..."yuck!"

"Hmm, I guess I could get used to this."

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Daily Life in a Long Winter

Winter has been here in full force. Toys are starting to get old, the walls in our tiny home are starting to cave in, and we are getting creative when it comes to passing time. We cannot wait to go swimming. We went all of the time last summer. So, to fill that void Lucas plays in the sink. Putting water in the sink with a few cups and plastic animals can keep him occupied for a long time. He loves it. Samuel is getting a taste of the fun too (from the sidelines of course.)

First Post!

After evaluating different ways to document this crazy life that we are living, I have decided to start a blog. When something special happens in my life I tell myself "I will never forget this." Then, I do. I want to remember that Lucas sleeps with his race cars and that Samuel spits when he is happy. But, even now I look back at Lucas' first two years of life and those special memories are fading fast. So, this blog is my medicine for a bad memory. It is also for my family that does not live close. Especially for my sister and brother-in-law who will be all over the world serving our country, and for Brian's family who no longer live in Tulsa. It's also for my extended family who only get to see us maybe once or twice a year. I hope you enjoy seeing our family and our little life.

Onto the name of the blog. I found this quote that sums up what I try to remind myself of (although I often fail).
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass...
Its about learning how to dance in the rain."
-Vivian Greene
So, here it is. Dancing in the Rain - by the Weatherfords (Brian, Ashley, Lucas and Samuel)