Sunday, October 16, 2011

Roughing It

This weekend we went camping.  Josh had a pretty big birthday this year so we decided to round up the entire extended family and some friends and spend the weekend at the lake.  It takes a lot of planning and coordinating to bring that many people together and to have everything that we need.  It was some effort to get there, but we are glad that we did.  Thanks Uncle Josh and Aunt Meghan for allowing us to join!  Happy Birthday Uncle Josh!

 This was Lucas' first time to go fishing.  Brian has been wanting to take him forever.  As soon as we pulled up to the camp site they grabbed the Cars fishing pole and headed down to the water. 
 Lucas caught a fish on his first cast!  Talk about motivation.  That was perfect for this two-year old who probably had no idea why he was tossing a worm into the lake.  I think that he caught on pretty quickly.  If you don't look carefully you might miss the cute little guy in his hand.  I think that this was his second fish of four that he caught this weekend.
 And another.  Brian had to convince him to touch the fish.  After that I was told that I need to let him be dirty more often.  That is what boys do.  It was just really hard to think about him eating after touching all of that dirt and fish and who knows what else.  I guess that is just another thing that I don't and won't understand about boys.  Haha, just add it to the list.
 Brian and Lucas waiting for Pawpaw to pick them up in the boat.  Priceless.
 Lucas, Brian and Uncle Brett walking down to the water.
This is when we first got onto the boat.  This was Lucas' first time on a boat too.  His face was pretty funny.  I don't think that he knew what he was in for.  He seemed a little nervous at first...
 This wind was a little much...
 But then he got to drive...and that made everything better.

 Our fire man got a good fire going for some hot dogs and smores.

 Samuel enjoyed playing with cars, playing in dirt, eating dirt, and falling in the dirt.  He definitely kept us all on our toes.
 Daddy and Samuel in the morning making camp fire breakfast burritos.
 Powdered donut appetizer
 Aunt Melissa braved the night with us.  After seeing a tarantula and a snake I know that she had second thoughts.  But, she hung in there like a trooper.
Tonight before they went to bed Lucas read Samuel a story. They are both growing and changing so much.  Now my boys are smelling a little more civilized and are sleeping away.  I'm sure it is going to take days to get all of the smoke smell out of here.  I'm so glad that we went camping as a family and I cannot wait until we get a chance to go again.

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