Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Brian's Boo Boo

We call injuries boo boos (even for adults.)  Right now we are in a sort of holding period because of a boo boo that Brian has. 
Brian has a torn ligament on the outside of his wrist.  He hurt it while working at the fire station.  He started going to an occupational therapist who first diagnosed it as a sprain, then a week later said that it may be a tear.  That was followed by a MRI and then an additional visit to that same doc.  Later he was sent to an orthopedic doc.  Now, we are once again waiting on another MRI to get another look at his injury.  It is likely that he will need surgery with many weeks of recovery/rehab.

So that is what is going on now.  It seems like the entire process is taking forever to get any answers.  Brian has been on and off of work for a while until we get it all figured out.  Hopefully we will have some definate answers soon.  Today, I am thanking God that it is just his wrist and that is it being taken care of. 

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