Samuel went to visit the doctor about two weeks ago for his four month check-up. Everything went great! He is growing and developing very well. The doctor did say that his weight gain was starting to slow down a little too much for his age so he suggested starting rice cereal (he also said that cereal might help him get through the night a little better.) I had planned since before he was born that I would not start any extra food until at least 5 months. This was only for selfish reasons of course. One: I did not want to have to start carrying baby food around in addition to all of the junk in the enormous diaper bag. Two: Starting baby food means that he is growing up and that is too sad. I feel like the last 4 months flew by. So, reluctantly I started to feed him cereal and he is doing great. I guess that I will accept that fact that he is cannot stay a baby forever.
Love it!!