Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First Post!

After evaluating different ways to document this crazy life that we are living, I have decided to start a blog. When something special happens in my life I tell myself "I will never forget this." Then, I do. I want to remember that Lucas sleeps with his race cars and that Samuel spits when he is happy. But, even now I look back at Lucas' first two years of life and those special memories are fading fast. So, this blog is my medicine for a bad memory. It is also for my family that does not live close. Especially for my sister and brother-in-law who will be all over the world serving our country, and for Brian's family who no longer live in Tulsa. It's also for my extended family who only get to see us maybe once or twice a year. I hope you enjoy seeing our family and our little life.

Onto the name of the blog. I found this quote that sums up what I try to remind myself of (although I often fail).
"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass...
Its about learning how to dance in the rain."
-Vivian Greene
So, here it is. Dancing in the Rain - by the Weatherfords (Brian, Ashley, Lucas and Samuel)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ashley, I was blog surfing from Megan's site and came across yours. I love that quote. Congratulations on your family and it sounds like you and I share the same intent in our blogging. It will be nice to go back and read these posts in the years to come. Good luck with yours!
