I feel slightly odd writing about this. But, it is something really important that has been going on in my life and I want a record of it. This post is about weight. I have a friend from my old church who has lots of little kiddos. She talked about this very same topic on facebook and was such an inspiration to me. So, this post could possibly inspire someone else (that is if anyone else even reads this besides my mom...haha.)
I have always struggled with weight. My entire life I have had to work at keeping it off. Brian and I have been married for six years and my weight has gone up and down pretty drastically throughout this time. It reached it's peak this year after Joseph was born. I think that the pain that I had with this last pregnancy kept me from being active. I had also developed some bad eating habits. I was not healthy.
After my six week postpartum appointment I lost about 15lbs on my own but struggled to do much more. I felt like I needed help.
On March 13th I joined weight watchers. Since joining I have lost 30 lbs. I am feeling like a new person. It is amazing how much more energy you have when you are healthy. I have been enjoying life so much more since the weight has come off. I still have a goal to lose about ten more pounds. Thanks to the help of everyone around me I think that it is going to be very achievable.
Below is a picture from February followed by a picture of myself from June. It's a big difference.
I now feel like I can be a better wife and mother. Thank you to my family and friends who have supported me so much.

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