Thursday, August 23, 2012

First Day of School

Sniff, sniff.  My baby went to school today...sniff.  Today was the first time that I have ever left Lucas with someone other than a friend/family.  I was so incredibly nervous about how he was going to feel about it all.  Lucas is going to a MDO program on Thursdays and Fridays this year.  I really thought that he needed this.  He needed some socialization with kiddos his age.  I'm so excited about what they are going to be working on this year.  Lucas seems to really like his teachers.  I know that he will have fun with all of the boys that are in the class. 
This is the Weatherford family getting ready to head out to school this morning!  We were all excited!  Even Samuel knew it was a special day because he actually posed with us!

He was melting my heart with his smiles this morning.

This picture is just too much for me.  He looks like a big kid!  When did this happen?
 Lukie with his backpack and lunch box.

Samuel celebrating being an only child for a few hours.  Actually, I think that he really missed his brother.  He kept saying"Where's Lukie?  I dunno.  Hmmm.  Where's Lukie"  It was really sweet.

Samuel and Daddy had some quality time today.  It seems like that is too rare.

Lucas did great today.  He was definitely tired by the end (especially since he has been taking long naps almost daily and they don't nap at MDO.)  The teachers said that he was so polite and kind.  I'm so proud of my big boy for taking all of the changes so well.  He is such a trooper.  I cannot wait to see what all he learns and how he changes over the next year.


  1. Aww such a big boy! Glad his first day went good! :)

  2. Thanks! Hope you are enjoying your last few weeks of school before the baby arrives!
