What I want to remember about now...

Lucas, Sarah, and Abigail walked out of Abigail's bedroom in dress-up clothes. Keep in mind that they do not have many masculine outfits to choose from. He had a wand in hand and was chasing them around the living room. Its pretty amazing what Abigail can accomplish when he cousin adores her like he does.

The Halloween costume that I bought for Halloween 2010. We literally had to hold him down to get him to put it on. Now, he walks around the house in it. It's so cute to see the little tail in the back swing back and forth as he walks.

Lucas wakes up every morning with his blanky over his head. He calls it his "hat." He then walks into the kitchen, says "snack" two-million times. I fill his bowl with cereal and he opens the fridge to grab his milk. Then, just as this picture shows, he sits in front of the TV to watch "Bob" i.e. Veggie Tales while I make "real breakfast."
I know that the morning routine will change, just as it does every few months. But this particular one just makes me smile.

Sword fights with wrapping paper tube

My sweet happy baby. He is so content and so precious.
Brian and I were talking the other night about how blessed we are to have two amazing, healthy, happy children. Thank you God for our miracles.

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