Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Brian's Second Calling

Saturday, March 26, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Anna Catherine

Here is some of the crew waiting for sweet Anna's arrival. Others were there and even more arrived later that day. We should take a group shot of all of us when the next baby comes. We are a large rowdy group that is hard to keep locked up in the waiting room. My parents now have five grandchildren and our families are still one-sided. We have two boys and my sister has three girls. Maybe one day we will mix it up.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Little Things
Baby Denton #3...Please come out! We all want to meet you. You were due today and you still have about 2.5 hours left. So come on!!!
Samuel is a rolling machine. It is so different to see a baby go from completely immobile to mobile. I turn around and he is far from where he started on the floor. I guess that I need to start vacuuming more often.
Lucas is talking non-stop. Some of it does sound like Chinese, but I'm sure that he understands what he is saying (or he is mocking me.) Today he walked around singing "Busy, busy dreadfully busy. Much much to busy for you" from Veggie Tales.
Brian and I got to go on two dates this month! We went to see a movie (something that we had not done together in year...not kidding...YEARS.) We also went to get dessert together one night. I feel a sense of freedom with Samuel sleeping a lot better. We are able to put them to bed and have a babysitter come (i.e. Lindsey or Melissa) without the kids ever knowing.
I dropped Lucas off at the church nursery on Friday night for our Lenten Meal/talk. This is a big deal because last year he cried a lot when I left him. A year makes a huge difference!
Last night Lucas went to bed with at least ten cars lined up against the edge. They can't be comfortable, but they must be good company.
I'm starting baby food next week. I plan on making my own, but we will see how long that lasts. I'm hoping to do better the second time around with giving my baby more variety. Hopefully he will not be as picky as the first.
Never buy a 2004 Pacifica, ugh. I think that we have put more money into it than we spent purchasing it. This week it smelled like burnt rubber. We feel like we need to sell it because its given us nothing but problems, but we have probably already replaced half of its parts. What else could go wrong...right??
Emily and Brett will find out where they will spend the next 3 years. I'm feeling anxious and excited for them. Can't wait to find out!
Well, I think that I should be done rambling. Hopefully the next post will be for our new niece/nephew. We cannot wait to meet her/him.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I did a grey primer, a brown base coat and a teal top coat. I wish that the brown was a little bit darker. I was very scared to do something so permanent, but I love it. It looks great in our room. Every time I walk into our room it makes me smile. It adds a nice punch of cool to my very warm room. I would have taken a picture of the entire room but I don't make my bed (my mother would be so disappointed.)
I label this project an overall success.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Treasured Moments
Saturday, March 12, 2011
New Tricks
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
5 Months
This is a picture of Samuel from his second day on this earth
This is a picture from 5 months
Days like today are hard with two kids. One is climbing on the potty while the other one is crying. The bigger one stepped on the little one and they are both crying. Frustrated, the little one wants to sit up but can't figure it out. Whenever I have doubts I try to remind myself that this will pass. We have nothing to worry about because God has blessed us with two little miracles. Its okay that they are aggravated with each other because they are each other's gift. They are lifelong support, competition, memories, teachers, and companions.
Happy 5 Month Birthday Samuel!
We love you so much. We cannot believe how much you have grown and how much you have changed our family for the better. We are so grateful that you are here and that we get to see your smiling face every day.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
To Brian, and Daddy
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Happy Birthday Sarah!
Friday, March 4, 2011
Potty Time continued
Potty Time!
I will post again tonight with the progress.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
What I want to remember about now...
The Halloween costume that I bought for Halloween 2010. We literally had to hold him down to get him to put it on. Now, he walks around the house in it. It's so cute to see the little tail in the back swing back and forth as he walks.
Sword fights with wrapping paper tube
My sweet happy baby. He is so content and so precious.
Brian and I were talking the other night about how blessed we are to have two amazing, healthy, happy children. Thank you God for our miracles.