Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Joseph is 5 Months

Our sweet little JoeJoe is 5 months old.  That is one month away from the half way point to a year!  Did you get that?  Basically, it means he is getting way too big way too fast.

Joseph is a professional roller.

 He spends lots of quality time rolling around the living room floor.  He loves sitting up in his bumbo chair.

 Joseph thinks that anything his brothers do is funny.  They are the two people in his life that really make him laugh.

He is in size three diapers and 6-9m clothes.  

He is just so incredibly happy.  I am so happy to say that he only cries when he needs something.  The last month of sleeping was reminiscent of newborn days but the last week has been great.  I'm praying it stays that way.

Joseph has really been developing a sweet personality lately.  When someone talks to him he grins so big and then ducks his head into my shoulder.  He has also been learning new tricks with his mouth.  All kinds of noises have been coming out of there.  One of my favorite things to hear is his fingernails against the bumper of his crib in the morning.  I wish that I had a video monitor so I could watch him laying there.

I am so grateful and blessed to have this little man in my life.  Our family is blessed too.  All of us love Joseph so very much and we cannot wait to see what this next month brings.

Monday, May 27, 2013

I love you 10!

Quick post so I don't forget.
Samuel has some issues with his closest cousin Anna.  Every time I discipline him be brings her up.  If I say "it is not nice to hit."  He says "yeah, I don't hit Anna right?"  Or I might say, "it's good to share."  He answers "I don't want to share with Anna."  We only see Anna about once a month but obviously she makes a lasting impression on him.  Could be the crazy amount of fun that they have together.

Lucas has a sweet thing that he says right now.  Instead of saying "I love you too!"  He says, "I love you ten."  Get it?  Too (two)...ten?  I love how his little literal brain works.  

I am so blessed to have these precious babies in my life.  

Friday, May 10, 2013

I love my Mommy because...

I love my Mommy because...

This was the title of the paper that was sent home with Lucas.

Here are his answers...

*She gives me a surprise when I poop
*she gives me energy at the playground
*she gives me medicine for my eyes

Now, if that doesn't describe the best mom ever, I don't know what does.
Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Big Book of Boo Boos

Just like Doc McStuffins we need to write this one down in the big book of booboos.

Lucas was rubbing his eyes today.  I went to wash his hands and to get him a wet wash cloth for his itchy eyes when I noticed a bubble in his eye.  I called Brian over to look at it and when we pulled his eye lid back we saw that his entire eyeball and eye lid were swollen.  I have never seen anything like this.  It looked like someone had injected fluid into his eyeball.  I drove to the pediatrician's office where I was told to go to the ER.  The ER physician told us that it was a severe allergy.  She gave us a prescription for eye drops and told us to keep him on benedryl.

This was him tonight after it had gone down significantly.  Now the eyeball is not so swollen, just the lid around it.