Saturday, February 18, 2012


Oh, I have waited for this day.  This is the day that I can say that my boys are truly playing together.  Hallelujah!!!  Since I found out that I was pregnant with Samuel I kept thinking about how great it was that they were going to be close in age and would be able to play together.  Samuel has quickly become a toddler and therefore evened the playing field a little bit more.

I have been finding them playing in their room a lot.  Usually, it is something a little rough like jumping on the bed. They also play trains together all day. 
Today I heard Samuel giggling loudly and I walked into the room to see what they were doing.  I found Lucas tickling Samuel.  The tickling soon turned into wrestling.
This is a picture of them each fixing their trains with screwdrivers.

Samuel has also started showing interest in Lucas' bed.  He climbs in and says "night night."  It is hard to believe that we put Lucas into his big boy bed around this time.  I definitely want to wait longer for Samuel to move him because that just makes me sad. 

I am so grateful for these two little guys and so so happy that they love each other.

Friday, February 17, 2012

A new kind of dress-up

We have been playing dress-up here at the Weatherford house. Growing up with all girls I am used to princess dress-up, but this is just as much fun!  It is so neat to see Lucas pretending to be a cowboy, fireman, or a king (not to mention cute!)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Tractor Party

Lucas' tractor party was almost a month ago.  Better late than never!
Cake and food table. 

Yummy Cake:  Dirt, Grass and Logs...all boy!

Lindsey, Melissa and Anna

Weatherford boys were so stuffed

Samuel and Anna watching the boys and dog outside

Brett, Anna and Lindsey

Fun cowboy gear!  Perfect for keeping the squirrels out of the attic

Fire woman Abigail = so cute!

Big Boy Bike!  He looks too big when he is riding it.

Brian and Lucas looking for wildlife to kill and instead starting aiming for a momma with a camera.

Sam and his construction (daily) attire

We are so greatful that everyone could come!  What a great family we have.  Happy Birthday my sweet, sweet boy!  I love you!!!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Frequent Flyers

I never in my life thought that I would be a frequent flyer to the ER but it is starting to feel that way.

Lucas had a fever since Thursday.  Fever for Lucas is very very normal.  He gets a little fever bug usually every other month if not more.  Yesterday his fever reached 105.2 and I called the doctor.  He said to take Lucas to the ER to make sure that he wasn't dehydrated.  Samuel, Lucas and I rushed to the ER where were were told that he had Strep throat.

This has been one of the first times that Lucas has been sick when he has the ability to verbalize it.  It is so strange to go from being a mom that has to try to figure out what hurts and then to start hearing what is wrong from your child's mouth is so weird.  He kept telling me that his back and mouth hurt.  On our way to the ER he said that it wasn't his turn to get a shot, it was Sam's turn.
My sad baby when the fever was highest.

Daddy and Samuel trying to cheer Lucas up.

Today we are on the mend.  He is so much more active.  I'm glad he is feeling better.

Thanks to Mamaw for being there for us yesterday!  It's so nice to have family around at times like these.