Saturday, January 21, 2012

Happy Birthday Lucas!

This morning I was sitting down with Lucas and I remembered that tomorrow is his birthday.  I don't know why, but I keep trying to push it out of my mind.  I seriously cannot believe that he is three.  Three sounds so old.  Then again, two sounded old a year ago.  I bet sixteen is going to sound ancient.

I have been realizing more and more how much he learns from us.  It is a little overwhelming when I think about the responsibility that I have to help mold him into the person that God wants him to be.  Just when I get overwhelmed thinking I am doing an awful job at this he give me a little bit of hope.  People have been commenting on how well he listens and on how polite he is.  I'm so proud of him for working hard at these things (even though I sometimes get the typical male selective hearing issue.) 

Here are a few 3 year old Lucas facts that I don't want to forget:
-He loves to play with cars, train, and tractors.
-Usually when he plays with them he lays down...I guess it's exhausting
-He loves to help Daddy fix things (he knows where we keep our screwdriver and uses it daily.)
-He loves to play in the dark with a flashlight looking for owls
-He loves his cousins so much
-He loves all of his family.  He asks for them all at different times and remembers special things that each of them do with him.
-He only eats two veggies...if I am lucky:  Peas, salad with ranch
-He only eats two fruits...applesauce, and banana
-He is loving Hot, Hot, Hot, Hot Chocolate!
-His favorite toy is Woody.  He cried at Christmas when Sarah got Jessie and took her home. 
-He sleeps with Woody, blankies, and Grover.  We have to sing to and kiss everything that he sleeps with too.
-His favorite thing to say is "just a minute!"
-He loves to drive Brian's jeep
-He loves playing with Samuel.  They chase each other, and jump on the bed together.
-He takes care of Samuel and shows him what to do
-He has been quoting and acting out his favorite movies. (Toy Story, Cars, Polar Express, Tangled, Micky Mouse, Veggie Tales - Esther.)
-His favorite books are the Pout Pout Fish in the Big Big Dark, Green Eggs and Ham, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish)
On his birthday!  January 22, 2009

January 2010 - 1 Year Old

January 2011 - Two Years Old

January 2012 - Three Years Old
The last three years have been the most amazing years of my life. I cannot even count the joys that he has brought us. I thank God every day for this blessing.
Happy Birthday Lucas!  We love you!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Since moving to Norman the Weatherfords have been busy.  But, according to my sisters that is not an excuse to not post on this blog.  We have been busy with not so exciting things like:
shooting and not killing our new friend the woodpecker with a bb gun
watching tractors clear our neighbor's land
getting to ride on one of those tractors
trying a new Mexican restaurant
meeting neighbors
playing outside
watching birds and squirrels
seeing mamaw and pawpaw
and playing in all of the space we have now!
A few weeks ago Mom, Meghan, Abigail, Sarah, and Anna came to see us.  Lucas and Samuel were so so happy to see everyone.  We made cupcakes and pretended like it was each one of thier birthdays.  We sang and blew out candles for each of the kids (except Anna.  She didn't know what she was missing.)

 Lucas and Samuel have been walking around wearing matching hats...cute!  Samuel imitates Lucas all of the time.  It's so sweet to see him follow his brother around and want to do what he does.  Lucas seems to enjoy it too, until Samuel takes one of his favorite toys.

 The boys have been enjoying bath time.  The bathroom echos...hence...they scream! 

 Lucas found a stash of stickers.  This is where a lot of them ended up
 Lucas and I got tattoos to celebrate our love for race cars.   Actually he has really been into putting tattoos on other people.  He says, "give me your hand...don't touch, just look," as he is holding the wet paper towel on your hand.
 This one might look just a little like bad parenting.  I think that it is halarious.  Samuel really really needs a haircut.  This is what it looks like after naptime.  And, he is getting 4 molars.  He has been chewing and drooling on everything (including medicine droppers.)
Both of the boys are getting so big.  They are both changing every day.  Lucas is talking so much more.  He is becoming such a great big brother.  He helps me around the house.  He has been playing with Samuel and helping him.  Samuel is starting to talk.  He has been saying "yeah, uh-uh, uh-oh, tractor, and cheese."  He is very opinionated about everything, especially what he eats.  When he doesn't want something he simply throws in on the floor. 
We are settled into our new house and new routine.  Brian is working so hard and enjoying the academy.  Lucas is turning three this weekend and we are looking forward to celebrating here with our family (more on that coming soon.) 

Monday, January 2, 2012

We are home!

We are home!  We will hopefully be calling this our home for a long time.  It feels so amazing to finally have a permanent place to come home to.  We are having a great time stretching out with all of the space that we have gained. 

Brian starts his first day of the academy tomorrow.  So, we have spent the last week trying to get ourselves situated in the new house before life gets crazy.  We have done some pretty significant work on the house the past few weeks.  We painted the living/hallway/dining/ kitchen/ laundry/and master bedroom.  We replaced the carpet, blinds and some outlets.  We (Brian) chopped down four trees, unpacked all of the boxes, played outside a lot, raked a lot of leaves, raked some more, burned brush and leaves, rocked on our new rocking chairs, and enjoyed many meals in our new spacious dining room.  It seems like the entire family is overall happier here.  Obviously we miss our dear family and friends in T-town.  That is the hardest part about leaving.  But, we are truly and happy about our new adventure here.

Here are some pictures of the house work we have done.
Master before
Master after (with boxes along the wall of course.)

Just a little peek of the teal that we covered up with our neutral green color.

New living room and hallway color.  All four of us had fun peeling off the wallpaper in the entry.  Eventually, that little project will be complete and I will paint subtle horizontal stripes in the entry.
Dining Room Before

Dining Room after

This week is back to reality.  It is going to be strange with Brian working an 8-5 day.  He has worked shift work since before we were married.  The boys and I are hopefully going to get back into some sort of schedule along with trying some new things like checking out some new stores and the city library.  I can't wait to continue updating everyone about our new happenings here in Norman.