Brian and I have been married for four years today. He jokingly mentioned this the other day and said that I am the longest relationship that he has ever had...Congrats to me ; )

All joking aside. I am so happy to be married to such a wonderful man. He understands me better than anyone else. He is a better dad than I could have imagined. He is so hardworking, kind, funny and brave. I love him so much and I cannot wait to grow old together.
Here are some things that we have done in the last four years:
-Brian became a paramedic
-I graduated from OSU
-We got married

-Went to Breckenridge, Telluride, Galveston, Branson, Eureka Springs, Mount Magazine, New -Orleans and Dallas

-Bought a house
-Had a beautiful baby boy named Lucas

-I quit my job to stay home
-Moved, moved, moved
-Met new friends
-Brian became a Coweta Fire Fighter and is now a Driver

-Had another beautiful boy named Samuel

-Went on picnics
-Brian started a small business
-Brian became an instructor at Oklahoma State Fire School
-We (along with the Dentons) started a Bible Study for young families at our church
-We were sad to see Brian's family move

-Got a jeep
-Learned to decorate cakes

-Went to the beach

-Welcomed some new family members (beautiful nieces and an awesome brother-in-law)
-Went camping and fishing
-I joined a book club

-Brian joined the Fraternal Order of Leatherheads Society
-Had our first crawfish boil
We have created some great memories from the last four years and we have some lofty goals for the next four years. May the Lord continue to bless us and guide us in all that we do as a married couple.
Happy Anniversary