Saturday, June 18, 2011
Father's Day 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Things I want to remember about my babies

Lucas is starting to sing a lot more. He sings in the car and along with movies. He is also catching on to recognizing some of his letters and to counting. Sometimes I feel like he doesn't pay attention. But, I am learning that he is even if he doesn't show it. We were watching a movie about Easter the other day and he saw a picture of Jesus and a woman and immediately said "Jesus, Mary. Jesus' mommy!" He makes me so happy when I get to see his learning.
Lucas has discovered tattling. The funny thing is is that he doesn't quite understand how it works. He has been tattling on imaginary beings and on people when they are not around. For example:
Lucas: "Saya (Sarah) hit Gugas (Lucas)."
Me: "Lucas, Sarah is not here."
Lucas: "No no Saya. Don't hit Gugas"
He also tries to escape discipline by changing his persona...like this:
Me: "Lucas, look at me. You do not push your brother down."
Lucas: "I Maxie. Bark Bark!!!"
I love my two babies so much. I still can't believe how much they change daily. God is so good. I thank Him for my precious miracles every day.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
You want to what?
Look at Samuel! He is a big boy!!!
Even bath time is finally easier. He sits up without diving head first. He used to get so excited in the tub that he couldn't sit still. Now he has found is favorite toys and the two boys can sit there forever and play in the water. Their interaction makes me thrilled. I love seeing Samuel learn from Lucas and Lucas learn by teaching Samuel. What a great gift I have been given.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Water Days
p.s. I had more pictures, but I am working from my old computer trying to clean it up.