Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Who is that baby?!
He was saying, "Wow! You are one cute baby!"
Happy Birthday PawPaw!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
He is quick
First Real Haircut!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Weekend Fun!
Lucas had a great time washing off the dirt from the day. He managed to get the entire bathroom wet...but it was fun. What a great weekend!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Day 4...
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Day 3 for Daddy
Lucas was such a good big brother. He only tried to run with Sam in the wagon a few times. The look on Samuel's face when Lucas went too fast was priceless. When he learns how to talk its going to be hilarious.
Lucas and Mommy enjoying the sun.
Lucas was very into the spring growth. Grandma's flowers are starting to bloom. I hope that she doesn't notice a big chunk of her purple ones are missing. This is a dandelion, but no one can tell me that it doesn't count as a flower. Before Lucas went to bed tonight, he asked about his flower. I guess we will have to go flower hunting tomorrow!
Samuel chillin
Love you Daddy!
Monday, April 4, 2011
Day two for Daddy
Happy 6 Months!
First Day Home
One Month
Two Months
Three Months
Five Months
Six Months
To celebrate Lucas made Samuel some pizza and ice cream.
We love you!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
5 for Daddy
On a side note: Church was a little noisey today. Kids were crying and talking a lot. It must be the spring weather getting to them. But, during the baptism, Deacon John said that noise from children is a beautiful thing. Noise means that the Church is alive! It means that we are following God's will. Jesus never would have given that crying two-year old mean looks. He would have welcomed the parents who were trying thier hardest to teach their children about God. So, on that note, I am not going to mention that Lucas may or may not have been a little rowdy today at church. I know that it will pass and that the Lord was glad to see him there.
Love you Daddy!
Lucas, Samuel and Ashley